Monday, 14 July 2014

Kelham Island 1940's vintage day.

Hello! A bit of a different one from me. I went to the most amazing 1940's vintage weekend event at Kelham Island in Sheffield. (Unfortunatly I only went the Sunday as me and my friend didn't know about it until late Saturday night) it was outfit crisis for me! As I was at her house and couldn't decide what to wear! Hehe, finally found my amazing 40's dress out. Luckily for me I wear a lot of vintage clothing already.

It was so amazing stepping back in time, the stalls were so quaint and beautiful. The food stalls were so cute and it all looked so amazing. We also went into the afternoon tea dance (as you can see in the pictures above) there were so many beautiful, fashionable older ladies in there.
I really wish I could do this everyday, it was such an amazing experience. The weather was amazing, I even got a little burnt!
Last but not least the music was so good, original vintage tracks like Vera Lynn. (I love her what a beauty) I can't wait until the next one.
If you haven't ever been to Kelham Island you should definitely check it out.

Head scarf: Rocky Horror.
Pearls: Vintage.
Dress: Cow sheffield (Wearecow).
Bag: Original vintage from my Mum!
Socks: Topshop.
Shoes: River Island (old).

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  1. Aw looks like you had so much fun & I love your dress! ^v^ xx

  2. Great to stumble across another Sheffield blogger, I went to the 1940s day as well & dragged he hubby with me. Adore your bag, absolutely stunning! x

    1. Wahoo! Same, hope you had a nice time! The weather was so good, I wish it was on more often! What a day.
      Thanks so much :)


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